Sunday, February 13, 2011

Okra with chicken breast in tomato sauce

 ½ big onion
700g chicken breast
400g okra
5 pieces garlic
3 tomatoes

Wash the chicken breast and cut them into squares. Fry the onion until gold in color. Add chicken breast, salt, pepper and water. Cook for 20 minutes. Wash the tomatoes, cut them and put in mixer and mix until smooth. Then combine it with chicken. Add 2 Tbs of tomato paste and keep cooking.
Dry okra with paper towels. Fry it until golden. Add to chicken mixture. In the same oil fry garlic slices, when it changes color, add it to chicken with okra.
Cook all together for 10 minutes.
Serve with rice.

1 comment:

  1. Ahoj Zuzka. Dnes som tu prvykrat a velmi sa tesim tvojim receptom . Ja mam rada klasiku v kuchyni , ale raz za cas skusim aj nieco ine, u nas netradicne.Okru som este nikdy nejedla a uz som po ne v obchode poskulovala. Ako chuti? Idem si ta pridat aj na svoj blog, nech ta mam stale poruke. Drzim palceky, nech sa ti dari nielen na blogu, ale aj v zivote. Vsetko dobre zela Ada.
